• Description


Maltzman-Fenzl Lens Manipulating Hook 0.15mm dia. V-Shaped Tip, Round Handle, Straight with guard & Angled AHC-2156

Galand Lens Manipulating Hook Angled AHC-2157

Jaffe-Maltzman Lens Manipulating Hook 0.15mm dia. V-Shaped Tip, Angled AHC-2158

Osher Y-Hook for Manipulating IOLs Straight with guard AHC-2159

Fixation Double, Sharp, Small & Large AHC-2160

Twist Hook for scleral fixation, right & left AHC-2161

Anis Scleral Twist Fixation Cone 2.5mm dia. with tree teeth, with guard AHC-2162